Friday, November 6, 2015


i wanna know that Your love will overwhelm me and Your grace is a home that will welcome me, and not imprison me.  i wanna see You running to me because You’ve missed me.  You’ve set a place at Your table.  You’re still smiling!  but i am crying.  i wanna hear that Your forgiveness cost me nothing.  You’ve paid my way in.  shouts of “We’ve missed you.  it’s been so long!”  i’ve missed You all.  i wanna feel i’m no more empty.  filled with acceptance.  enormous fours to hold on tight.  You hold my hands.  then show me Yours.  i wanna be who You say i am: fearfully made and wonderfully too.  You are the Potter.  i am the clay, a broken vessel.  You take my guilt.  i am set free!  a new creation!  You take my trash.  'tis no more mine.  am i worthy to be Yours?  i am.  i am unrejected!  i am unrejected!  i am unrejected!  i am unrejected!  i am.  i am.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


i breathe You in.
exhaustion does rise away.

i feel Your breath and readily unchoke.
You're Truth.

i exhale to intake You.
You still accept me.

i can't breathe this steam inside me!
i can't breathe Your air outside me!
i can't breathe!  i can't breathe!
i suffocate my bane!

come back down and find me still here.
i'll look for You in my atmosphere.

Thursday, July 30, 2015


Your starz are beckoning to captivate the lost.
Your colorful horizon stripes gleam "Hello, dance with Us".
Your Lights are revealing our haven's are undiscovered.

This ain't the first time but this might be aGain!
u va j'ed

The last time You saw me was the beginning.
Your beginning.
Our beginning of forever.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

sweet porch show

saturday 5/23/15 we played for a group of people at their home.

NUMBER ONE!  they fed us.  and the food was awesome.

#2 they had a dog and our bassist liked it

#3 we played a really good show

#4 it rained so we had to move it inside

#5 we sold we actually sold some of our cd's!

#6 i like the number 7

#7 we played about 7 songs before the rain stormed our parade.

and as a present to our band, we were given homemade smores cupcakes.  i just ate 3 for breakfast.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015


drop D capo 4 like zall

i'm not far from home!  though i see i'm alone!
break me apart!  this shell grips then scarred
i'm crawling
overwhelmed i am.  shivering and cold.

awakened!  and bruised!  vision unused!
destined to grow!  and reach the unknown!
aqua filling sky.  celestial and high.
i'm breathing
padded all around.  sheltered underground.
i'm glowing.


here on earth we are.  transverse to a Star.


you got eyes to see ......

you got ears to hear .......

when you going to listen to me?


a.n.d.  (a new day)

You've been looking forward to hearing me sing to You this morning
and I've been looking forward to seeing You, my beautiful Day.

Now that I've found You!
I can sing "I found You"!
I can see!  I found You!
I will sing!  I found You!
I will sing! I will sing!

I've been waiting for You, tonight, and thank You for leaving the Lights on.


february 2013
drop d capo 2 back wards

your scream is blank, your scream is deafening
silence repels repels
a float past one, a floating 'nother
you i hear

the view of pain, visual horror
no more from me projected out
the facial anguish tides arise
you i see

. . . one . . . two . . . three
* please be patient, please receive, please accept this.  i have no more

still more shrieks to dee aff ears
still mo' bellowing delays
still yo' calls ring isolated
but you i hear
loud and clear

overcasts overrated
overshadowed by regime
overlooking the suffering
but you i see, you i believe "where there's a will there's a way"

. . . one . . . two . . . three
* there is no accident, without value.  right now's the best i have, and yet, i have no more

when jesus wept he might did envy
lazurus in paradise
was once the home now fills empty
float with me, we will escape untrueality
zenitheos, hmmmmmm

* . . . one . . . two . . . three . . .
i'm here.  i'm not leaving you.  i'm with you always and you're with me

Friday, January 16, 2015


i found your notes in the trash.
some prevent our meeting.
the lines are empty, my stair is blank.
i know what i'm to do.

i don't think i can do this alone.
you know, i'll need your help.
my packing list is Light as hell
and well, that's where i'm headed.

so here're the gates, unpolished brass.
my Jurnei worn and sore
but, YES!  we found You, here's party goods!
wake up!  and arise!!

how are you, my friend?
how are you, my enemy?!
how are we so not the same?
cause when the light's off, i can see you ......

i'll sing to you though seem you deaf,
and to the mute, i hear your scream.
in the Light, we're drawn unto
our shadow's cast to hummm, Your song notes of Love.