Friday, June 28, 2013


iz by jaif
began 6/26/13
completed 6/27/13

v1 life is not so situational as I make it out to be
life is not as depressing when I stop depressing me

v2 life is so forgiving all throughout the unforgiving me
life is understanding my search to find the “me”

v3 life is incredible no matter how many times I discredit me
life is more maneagable when I stop when I stop when I stop micro managing me!

v4 life is happily when i'm back to being me
life is extraordinary and we are all above mundane

v5 life is not about the box, full of rocks, and stinky sox
life is all about!  BEAUTY! All within and all around me!

iz it full of joy?  IT IZ!
iz it fun to join?  IT IZ!