what are you contributing to the band?
each member of a band has talent. if they didn't, they wouldn't be part of the band. but some members think that is all they need to be part of a "team" "band" or "group". that is not true. usually what comes with talent is "selfishness" "conceit" "arrogance" "overexpressiveness" "my way or the highway attitude" "zeal" "passion".
of all those characteristics, passion seems to be not so bad. but even passion, if not used the right way, is not as good as it could be. "never put passion before principle". so what is the principle of a band? to never put ones self above another or the rest and definitely not above the crowd or the audience or the listeners. so lets talk about each of those attributes that can be paired with talent.
selfishness: this happens when the talented member is blind to the skills of everyone else in the band and not only that but they don't ask for help or assistance from any one else in the band. for instance, "i wrote this song" and no one else is gonna play with me on this one.
conceit: this happens when the talented member acts not like they're better than the rest but that no one is as good as they. there is a huge difference.
arrogance: i'm really the best of our group and i don't need any assistance to believe that or show that.
overexpressiveness: this is a "something to prove" attitude. always having to explain the songs and they're meanings and "if you wanna now more about my lyrics, come and talk to me". oh yeah, i've done that too.
my way or the highway: "i'm gonna show up at practices when i want to. what are you gonna do about it"?
zeal: this says, "you have to appreciate my music because it will change you"
passion: this says, "events have impacted me and so now my music expresses that and you should be impacted just as much, if not more"
understanding: this speaks for itself. understand? ha ha
acceptance: mano y mano
i believe a major contributor to a band is "effort". not just in word or deed but in both, working together. effort in communicating. effort in appreciating. effort in affirmation. effort in understanding. effort in kindness. effort in living. effort in principle. effort in knowing the Truth and being set free. effort in understanding boundaries. effort in knowing order.
being in a band can sometimes be hard stuff. but all things are possible.